Hydraulic Filters
To ensure the purity of hydraulic fluid and prevent the accumulation of impurities from system operation, hydraulic power units are equipped with advanced filtration systems. These include both suction filters and return filters. Hydraulic filters play a crucial role in capturing unwanted particles generated within the system and are classified into two main categories:
- Surface Filters: Made from fabric or metal mesh, designed to capture larger particles on their surface.
- Depth Filters: Made from materials such as felt, paper, or synthetic metals, capable of trapping finer particles through their porous structure.
These filtration systems are essential for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of the hydraulic system, reducing the risk of wear and failure of critical components.

Hydraulic Filters in the HPE Catalog
HPE offers a wide range of filters for hydraulic systems from some of the leading brands in the industry. Among the brands available are:
- Hengst Friltration
- Mp Filtri
- FG Group – Mahle
- Hydac
The company provides an extensive selection of filters for hydraulic circuits of all sizes and for every need, as well as a broad range of accessories:
- Suction filters.
- Return filters.
- Pressure filters.
- Fill caps and accessories.
- Self-cleaning cartridges, both manual and motorized.
All hydraulic filters comply with the relevant ISO standards and ensure the highest levels of efficiency.